Thank you for all of you helping me during the parliamentary election.
Happy nya kita punya YB, senyum lebar ya...
Supporter nya pun banyak la...
Thank you... Thank you for helping me during the parliamentary election.
Wow... our YB dance "JOGET" ohh!!!
Boleh Tahan la... Tengok betul betul, Kita punya YB sudah Mabuk kah belum ni??
Hohoho... our YB look so Happy tonight!!!
Biasanya YB kita muka serious, sekarang senyum sampai nampak gigi tak nampak mata laa...
Hi Mr Voon. I'm not sure if you are the relevant authority that I should turn to, but since you are the assemblyman for the Batu Lintang constituency, I'm hoping that you can help to look into my little grouse.
I am a former student of SMK Batu Lintang and every week I still go to school to fetch my sister. The road leading into the school is at a very atrocious state. It is pothole-ridden and nothing has been done about it even after the recent mid-term break. The road wasn't so bad last year but it has only gotten worse and worse.
I hope you can look into this matter and try to fix it as soon as you can, unless JKR or whatever is being an ass. Then bo pien lo
May I know exactly which road you meant? I inspected the road which was from the traffic light juntion of the General Hosptial to the shool a few months ago and about 40drain covers at the sides of both roads had been replaced by DBKU.DBKU had done a good job.
March 28, 2008 12:38 PM
I meant the road in the school itself. It's hard to fix it now since school is in session though. Jalan College itself was fixed a while back, no complains there.
YB, Wish to know how St. artin look like...heard the u got show the pic of St. artin School,can u post it on ur blog...really wish to know how bad the school was...
YB, You Are The Best!
Dear Anonymous,
You seems talk a lot. Why don't you joint DAP. Talk it loud and work it out! Don't be silent majority. I too already jointed DAP.
Dear Voon,
Just curious you passed your clp in one attempt? How do you find the system? Below is article from clp candidate:-
CLP is pure discrimination to law students who obtained foreign LLB degree.It took me two attempts to pass the CLP and I was lucky. If I was not from the Police Force and a prosecuting officer, who had dealt with CPC, Evidence and Penal Code in my daily work, I doubt I could pass the CLP even in fourth attempt. Many police officers who had been prosecuting officers like me took many times to clear the CLP. Some could not even pass the Evidence paper after the third attempt. CLP was a hell examination and I believe it imposed a very different standard from those who had to sit the same subjects in local universities. If law students who are required to sit for CLP, then, law students from local universities should also be required to sit the same examination. To be fair, there should be common examination to all.
CLP is pure discrimination to law students who obtained foreign LLB degree.It took me two attempts to pass the CLP and I was lucky. If I was not from the Police Force and a prosecuting officer, who had dealt with CPC, Evidence and Penal Code in my daily work, I doubt I could pass the CLP even in fourth attempt. Many police officers who had been prosecuting officers like me took many times to clear the CLP. Some could not even pass the Evidence paper after the third attempt. CLP was a hell examination and I believe it imposed a very different standard from those who had to sit the same subjects in local universities. If foreign law students are required to sit for CLP, then, law students from local universities should also be required to sit the same examination. To be fair, there should be common examination to all and that there should not be two different standards.
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