Sunday, July 12, 2009

Najib’s Goodies – A trick for Manik Urai

During the Batang Ai By-Election, the government announced “quick mee” projects of RM70 million for the area, but, until now we are yet to see the money be poured in for Batang Ai. People in Batang Ai were so happy with it but where are the projects and money promised by BN?

Now comes Manik Urai by-election, Najib announced a more “quick mee” for not for Manik Urai but for Malaysians. This was in the hope that he will get a boost in his image and that this was also with the hope that the people in Manik Urai will buy this “quick mee” concept. Why only now the announcement was made? Najib in his “quick mee” projects also announced more roads for Sabah and Sarawak? Why now? Sabah and Sarawak had suffered much since Malaysia was formed, but, again will the roads be constructed?

Our oil money went the federal coffers and from the federal coffers where the money went to? Had the oil royalty been increased for Sabah and Sarawak, the two states would have seen better roads and infrastructures long time ago.

Najib also said improvements will be made in registering births in Sabah and Sarawak, but, again why only now? The BN government could spend billion of ringgits elsewhere but had neglected to see that the citizens’ basic rights for identity be ignored. If a person has no identification paper, then, legally he has no name to identify himself. This is because he could only prove his identity through identity cards only. Even our pets got names, because when we gave names to our pets, we normally put a chain with the pet’s name over his neck, but, funny many human beings in Sabah and Sarawak had no names to identify themselves. Most people who are affected with no proper identification papers are those living in the rural areas and they are mostly dayaks.

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