Monday, November 2, 2009

Abuse Of Power By Police In The Use Of Police 43

A member of public came to see and said he together with about 20 people while sitting in a coffeeshop in sky garden, Kuching, was arrested by police on suspicion of gaming public place. A polis 43 was issued and RM200.00 was collected from each of them, but, no receipt issued. They were locked for one night in the Kota Samarahan Police Station before being let go. He told me that police officers were asking more money from them. They were told to come to court on 31. 1. 2010 and I told him, your money will be swallowed up! When policemen took your money in whatever way and for whatever reasons, official receipt must be issued. Polis 43 is not a receipt. It is a police bail document where you are required to surrender yourself in court at the appointed time and date mentioned therein. I told him, I would help him draft a complaint, but, the said member of public was so scared and left my office. This is one thing I am very annoyed. We are against corruption and abuse of power and the said member of public said he was also against abuse of power and corruption, but, when asked by me to lodge a complaint, he "kecut". Then how are we to clear up corruption in our society?

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