Friday, May 15, 2009


There is no need for a flood mitigation scheme had we not going against the law of nature. Why massive felling of tress? Why the barrage? Experts had warned against the effect of building the Sarawak Barrage across the Sarawak River. Who benefitted from the barrage? Was it not for the feng shui of the crocodile living somewhere near to the river?

We had been told in an expert report from UK that if the barrage had to be built across the Sarawak River, a diversion channel must be built upstream to let water from the upper stream of the Sarawak River to flow to the seas. It was said in 1991, that the diversion channel only could cost us RM70 million. Now, the State Minister of Urban Development and Tourism Minister, Datuk Michael Manyin said that this will cost RM2 billion to save Kuching City from floods and this flood mitigation scheme can only be completed at the end of the 10th Malaysian Plan. This shows poor planning by the state government.

It was also been announced by the said Minister that a tender for the proposed Sungai Padungan Mitigation Project (Phase II) and Sungai Maong Paroh will be out at the end of this month. These projects will eat into our pockets another RM50 million as disclosed by the Minister. With all these projects, who will be their beneficiaries?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BN's feng Shui in Sarawak has its time to turn ugly, due to too much empty talk & promises to RAKYAT, they have taken too much & taking too long, people should realize its time to discover all the truth & all the lies has come.